Restorative Dental Services

Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

Porcelain inlays or onlays refer to indirect fillings made of porcelain that fit into or onto the affected tooth. Its purpose is to make the tooth stronger by holding it together while retaining a natural esthetically pleasing colour. They are used in instances when there is deficient tooth structure to support a filling but the tooth is still in a condition that does not require a crown.

Composite / White / Metal-free fillings

Composite filling material provide aesthetic and cost-effective restorative solutions for any damaged teeth. Our clinicians take time and effort when placing these white fillings in to ensure optimal results and longevity whenever we can.

Crowns and Bridges

A crown (some people call it a “cap”) is used to restore a tooth that would otherwise be in danger of breaking. It covers and protects the entire tooth. Crowns strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure and can improve the appearance of your smile. When one or more teeth are missing without replacement, the remaining teeth can drift out of position, which can lead to a change in the bite, the loss of additional teeth, decay and gum disease.

Therefore, when tooth loss occurs, proper restoration is necessary. We may recommend the placement of a bridge or an implant
(see below). Designed to replace missing teeth and support surrounding teeth, a bridge is a grouping of interconnected crowns. Held in place by two or more anchoring teeth, a bridge restores chewing function and helps correct bite issues and even improve speech.

Dental Implants

Dental implants to the rescue! A dental implant is a small titanium or biocompatible metal post inserted into your gums. It’s secured into a socket in your gums where you are missing a tooth. This implant fuses to the jawbone tissue to become very stable and painless in the patients mouth. When it is not being used to support a natural tooth, the jawbone deteriorates. Dental implants are the only dental restoration option that preserves and stimulates natural bone. It actually helping to stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss. As a functioning replacement root, the implant can support a single crown, or with a few implants could support a bridge or partial/denture. Although this procedure is expensive, it’s well worth it in long run.

4 Reasons for Dental implants:

  • Stops your teeth from shifting into the empty space
  • Conserve your jawbone
  • Preserve your appearance and smile
  • Replace missing tooth

What can happen if I don’t take care of my Dental Implants?
Dental Implants can develop problems without consistent daily care. The earliest sign of a problem begins with the observation of bleeding. This is known as mucositis. The current scientific evidence suggests that this may be successfully treated and is reversible if caught early. Unfortunately, if it progresses to bone loss, also known as peri-implantitis, the bone loss is not reversible. If peri-implantitis is not treated it can lead to advanced bone loss and the removal of the implant.

What should my Dentist check with my dental implant for at every cleaning visit?
For an accurate assessment of implant health, dentists and hygienists need to probe and measure the gums around the implant the same was as around teeth, check and compare x-rays annually, look for looseness, check the bite and check all of the components that are attached to the implants to make sure that they are functioning properly.

Healthy Smiles

Everyday starts with a smile: check our services to see what we can help you with!
General Dentistry
Dental Cleaning
Dental Emergencies
Orthodontic Treatment
Restorative Dental Services
Q & A for Invisalign

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(604) 647-6453

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